Daubenton's Bat Census

Monitoring of the range shifts of the Daubenton's bat, bioindicator species of environmental quality using the ChiroRivers protocol.

The Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii) is a species of aquatic bat that is found practically in all of Europe's river basins. Multiple studies have proven the correlation between the presence of this species in a river and the quality of the riverine forest, as well as between the activity of these animals and the structural characteristics of these forests.

This working group aims to conduct a simultaneuos census of this species during its breeding season. Even if in some Mediterranean parts of its range it coincides with another species of aquatic bat, the long-fingered bat (Myotis capaccinii), this species is usually very localised and in lower denisties. So, most aquatic bats we usually observe correspond to the Daubenton's bat.


This monitoring is conducted in summer during the Daubenton's bat breeding season. You must conduct a first census right when the females have established the breeding colonies (during the first half of June) and a second census when juveniles are already flying (during the second half of August). This year's dates are:

  • 30th of May to 8th of June 2025
  • 1st to 10th of August 2025

The census method follows the ChiroRivers protocol and it only requires a torch and a previous sampling of the area to establish the four census points. In the map you can see the transects available for sampling. Even is a transect appears as already occupied by a volunteer in the map, if you are interested in participating, this transect can be divided in two so both censuses do not overlap. If you want to participate contact us through info@ratpenats.org